Waterjetting Is Undergoing Changes.

Everything Water Jetting will return. Our old site was too vulnerable and was attracting hackers.

We are slowly adding the download files while this front page remains the same.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but all the files you love to download will return soon.

You might visit advisorycouncil.org or flashrust.org to see what is there.

2 thoughts on “Waterjetting Is Undergoing Changes.”

    1. Yes. I am familiar with the WJA in Great Britain, and AusJet in Australia. WJA is best for European methods. The WJTA (WaterJettingTechnologyAssociation) in the United States has a robust training program. The AMPP certification program is to test experienced operators on the details of coatings removal and safety.
      Thank you for your comment.

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